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VETERANS FIRST AMERICA offers all Realtors

Client Referrals from our nonprofit partner CARES Charities Advocacy Real Estate Foundation

that have registered with CARES to develop funding for their preferred Charities & nonprofits through

CARES exclusive funding development innovation CARES Referrals for Veterans © 

for a 20% referral fee.


CARES Client Referrals are distinctive:


  •  CARES Clients have registered with CARES to develop funding for their preferred Charities & nonprofits

  • Referrals are actually transfers of registered CARES Clients

that have been given the right to select the Realtors & Real Estate Companies within their communities,

that they prefer to receive their CARES-Referral ©




CARES commitment to provide 90% of the funding developed from Buyer & Seller referrals to


which  provides opportunities for nonprofit supporters to direct 90% of the donation funding received

from CARES to their preferred Charities. In addition, VETERAN FIRST AMERICA provides

referred supporters with $100.00 Volunteers In Giving Awards as a THANK YOU for their

assistance in the development of funding for Charities & Nonprofits.

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CARES Referrals for Veterans © provides Realtors licensed with Real Estate Companies

across the country with opportunities to add a dynamic marketing advantage to their individual businesses to 





from the other Realtors in their communities


by partnering with




a registered national public charity to develop funding for Charities



Partnering Realtors receive CARES client referrals of Buyers & Sellers. that Charities,

Charities Volunteers & Supporters, partnering with VETERANS FIRST AMERICA & CARES have contacted

and registered with CARES Referrals for Veterans ©

 for a 20% referral fee



Partnering Realtors are authorized to contact area Media, Charities & Nonprofits

to introduce & market their partnering affiliation with VETERANS FIRST AMERICA

 and access to CARES funding innovation, CARES Referrals for Veterans ©  that assists Buyers & Sellers

 develop exceptional referral funding per completed real estate transaction,

for their preferred Charities



Partnering Realtors receive recommendations of their real estate services from our Charities Volunteers

to the Buyers & Sellers that they register with CARES Referrals for Veterans ©



Partnering Realtors are authorized to recruit Charities Volunteers within their communities,

to market their affiliation with CARES Referrals for Veterans ©   and to have the Charities Volunteers

that they developed recommend their real estate services to the Buyers & Sellers

that they register with CARES Referrals for Veterans ©â€‹



Partnering Realtors are authorized to register the Volunteers that they recruit in the

VETERAN FIRST AMERICA Volunteer Award programs which provide Volunteers with a $100.00 Honoraria

or Student Volunteers with $100.00 in Tuition Assistance, for each Buyer or Seller they have registered with

CARES Referrals for Veterans © that develops funding for their Charities & Nonprofits by completing

their purchase or sale of real estate. Access to these programs are provided to assist our

Partnering Realtors develop & reward a referral network of Volunteers.  



VETERANS FIRST AMERICA will provide funding for all Volunteer Awards

that are presented to Volunteers that have assisted our Partnering Realtors register

Buyers & Sellers with CARES Referrals for Veterans ©



Partnering Realtors offer our Buyers & Sellers with opportunities to partner with Realtors that

are real supporters of Charities, that have committed to give of themselves for the benefit of those in need

by remitting 20% of the commission they receive from assisting CARES referred Buyers & Sellers

with their purchases or sales of real estate, to CARES for donation of 90% of the funding








register as Partnering Realtor and provide the Charities & Nonprofits within your communities

with access to CARES Referrals for Veterans © fundraising innovation through

your real estate services as a Charities Advocacy Realtor !







CARES Referrals for Veterans ©

CARES Charities Advocacy Real Estate Corporation designed CARES Referrals for Veterans © to develop funding for nonprofits, by redefining the traditional client referral process used in Real Estate throughout the United States. Our innovation in process designed & developed the CARES-Referral © which is a Client directed referral and a transfer of a registered CARES Client to the Realtor & Real Estate Brokerage our Client has selected


The CARES-Referral © follows the same traditional Real Estate Broker to Real Estate Broker process, however our innovation provides our Client with their CARES-Referral ©  to present to the Realtor they select to assist them with their purchase or sale of real estate, for delivery to that Realtor's managing Real Estate Broker for acceptance, signature and return via email to CARES offices, completing the Real Estate Broker to Real Estate Broker process.


CARES innovation, offers every Buyer or Seller of real estate an opportunity to assist in the development of referral funding to support any nonprofit they prefer by accessing the CARES Referrals for Veterans © registration platform receiving their CARES-Referral © and giving or forwarding it to any Realtor they select, for delivery to their managing  Real Estate Broker for signature, in any location throughout the United States.


CARES innovation, ensures that 100% of the funding remitted for donation to Charities & nonprofits are from derived from the Commissions that Real Estate Companies receive at the Closings of our referred Buyers & Sellers real estate transactions.




501(c)(3) with Public Charities status 170 (b) (1) (A) (vi) ​and DLN26053667002795 EIN 47-4089412

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